
March 13, 2012: Landscaping Plans for the Buddha Temple

Spring is in the air and we are dreaming of beautiful flowers and landscaping for the Buddha Temple! Here are some landscaping design plans, created by Tsering Dolma (Kristin Baum).  Soon we will be doing some excavating, then laying out the area for paving stone walkways and plants. This will be a work in progress through out this spring and summer. We hope you can come join us for Memorial Day weekend to participate in our land preparation for the Buddha Temple consecration!

Aerial View of the Buddha Temple and landscaping plans

Side View of the landscaping layout for the Buddha Temple

Front view of entryway to the Buddha Temple


Feb. 10, 2012 New Lights

The lighting was finished today - the beautiful chandelier that hangs from the ceiling was installed, as well as the wall sconces and the outdoor lights on the porch. Here are some photos: